1. Harassment is generally defined as any behavior or action that is unwanted, unwelcome, and creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for the recipient. This can include any of the following behaviors:
    1. Verbal harassment: This includes any verbal behavior, such as name-calling, insulting comments, or threats.
    2. Physical harassment: This includes any physical behavior, such as touching, grabbing, or blocking someone’s path.
    3. Sexual harassment: This includes any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behavior, such as sexual comments, touching, or advances.
    4. Cyber harassment: This includes any behavior that takes place online, such as sending threatening or harassing messages, or spreading rumors or lies about someone.
    5. Discriminatory harassment: This includes any behavior that is based on someone’s race, gender, religion, or other personal characteristics, and creates a hostile or offensive environment for that person.

    It’s important to note that harassment can take many different forms and can be committed by anyone, including coworkers, supervisors, strangers, or even family members. If you are experiencing harassment, it’s important to seek help and report the behavior to the appropriate authorities or support networks.

Published On: March 15th, 2023 / Categories: Harassment / Tags: /

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